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Jeu Video les jeux de Jeux de guerre et de batailles , Genesis

This fantasty dreamscape would be a nightmare...if you didn't have cool swords and magic.

Left/Right or A/D = Walk
Up = Interact with Environment
Click to choose options in the turn-based battles. In each turn, a unit will first have an option to move to a green square (click Next Phase if you don't want to move), and then will have the option to act by either clicking on an enemy within range, clicking an option from the menu at the top, or clicking on a card at the top left to summon help. (Note: Some characters cannot both move and act in the same round.) In battle, when you are within range, you will be able to select an attack orb. Most battle options use energy, pulling from a general pool of the party's energy. So watch this! Different monsters are more vulnerable to different colors of attack. Enjoy the dream, but find the way out or you will be trapped there forever.
Good Luck!


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